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I found less emails than expected

First off, sorry that we weren’t up to your expectations. Here are some pointers to check if we failed you or if your expectations were a bit too high 😅

Email finding is complex. Especially so when we want to verify with certainty the validity of a given email like we do. Sometimes we find a plausible email, but can’t confirm with high confidence its validity so we rather say we didn’t find anything rather than giving you an email that will bounce. It is unrealistic to expect a 100% enrichment rate. I wish, like you, that it wouldn’t be the case but that’s a fact.

Your inputs matter a lot. Each email finding process begins with you providing some data: either a name+domain combination, a Linkedin profile etc. If that data is missing, wrong or outdated, then it doesn’t matter how good we are → we won’t be able to find an email if it doesn’t exist.

That can be for example:

  • providing a Linkedin profile without a company or with a company without a website
  • providing a domain with no MX records
  • providing a name+company that is outdated (the person is not working there anymore)

If 30% of the list you want us to enrich is that way, then that will necessarily drive your final enrichment rate down by a lot.

That’s probably as good as you can get. We regularly have customers challenge us by comparing our results to other email finding tools: we haven’t lose a single benchmark so far. That means that if NioLeads does not find enough emails for your taste, then you will probably never find something that does elsewhere - your expectations are probably too high and email finding may not be the solution to your initial problem.