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What is The Difference Between Safe & Riskier Emails?

What are safe emails?

An email is marked safe when it has been successfully validated by our email verifier.

It means we sent a request to the server and the reply was positive.

There is 99% chance the email exists.

What are riskier emails?

Riskier emails are catch-all emails.

Catch-all emails servers capture emails sent to any invalid email addresses of the domain.

When configured, the emails sent to any email address related to the domain will not be bounced back.

It means this email can’t be verified as we can’t get a YES/NO reply from the server.

The only way to verify catch-all emails is to shoot them.

We advise you maintain a 30-40% of riskier email in your list maximum to control your bounce.

What about email that are not found?

To know more about why some emails can’t be found you can take a look at this guide.